Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Knight/Triaros part two

So I have been working on the model components today and I have applied two layers of thinned down tamiya clear red via my airbrush. The intent is to layer up a sequence of clear red coats gradually bringing the tone up through the colour density layer by layer.

So this is the early position of the model components, at the moment I feel the red is far too light and does not have the depth I am after, I think there are going to have to be a few more layers before it is even close to the next stage but this is defintiely a good start.
It is going to take a fair amount of time to get everything completed but it will be well worth it, I currently expect to need to apply something like a dozen thin coats of clear red to the components (there are 26 components currently on my painting table) before then colour density and depth and tone is what I am after but when it is done and I have also applied some oil paint and done some detail I hope to have a couple of really nice models ready for the tabletop especially since there is another apocalypse battle coming up in a couple of months which I would really like to have them ready for.

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