Saturday, 24 May 2014


While a rhino is not currently part of my main army plan I recently picked one up, this was mainly done as I had come across some ideas for improving the techniques for painting lighning and I wanted to test them a bit prior to the inevitable purchase of a fire raptor. Here are the results - the model does need more work but I feel the core essence of what I am trying to achieve is visible.

I think the effect still needs some work but it is a lot closer to what I want to achieve and it is definitely far better to test these techniques on a rhino over something as focal as a fire raptor which is now coming in to my army plan.
Recent battles have left me feeling the night raptors are simply not working out as well as anticipated and the deathstorm never really lived up to its potential but the fire raptor brings a lot of firepower which can target multiple enemies every turn and it comes with the high mobility that comes from a flyer.

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