Wednesday, 1 January 2014


Welcome to this new blog. My name is Graham and I am a gamer, this blog is going to cover the creation and development of my new warhammer 30k heresy era Night Lords army.

I have been a fan of the Night Lords ever since I got in to Warhammer 40k more than 20 years ago but initially backed away from collecting them since I did not feel my painting abilities were anywhere close to good enough to do them justice with all of the terror markings and lightning mottifs.

Since then I have collected large numbers of models for warhammer and warhammer 40k and I have slowly developed my painting skills up. Recently I invested in a airbrush which I hoped would take my painting to the next level and that combined with the release of forge worlds second heresy era book "Massacre" led to me deciding to take the plunge and collect this army I love. I will admit my passion for the Night Lords was also bolstered by the amazing series of books written by Aaron Dembski-Bowden which have to rate in my opinion as some of the best 40k books ever written.

One of my resolutions for this army was always to take it slowly, complete one set of purchases before giving in to temptation and getting any more while all of the time using proxy forces to play battles with my friends and develop up something of a competative list. I am not collecting the force to win battles, rather I am opting for models which I feel suit the feel of the army and which I think look amazing but at the same time I do want to be able to field them against my friends armies, there is no point having the models and never getting to use them.

This blog is intended to serve multiple purposes, the first is to allow me to share the models I am producing, the second is to provide me with motivation to continue to do the painting as I am somewhat prone to losing interest in projects.
This blog will also contain battle reports and unit analysis as I try to get to grips with playing this army which is distinctly different from my normal imperial guard force. I also want to try and capture some of the lore and background i develop for the force as I go along attempting to capture some atmosphere of the army.

I am currently awaiting some more photography equipment prior to being able to start positing some images of what I have already gotten in the force and then I hope to start bringing reasonably regular updates on the development of the army.

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