Monday, 18 January 2016

tech priest auxilia take 2

I have been informed by one of my friends that the photos I took of the tech priest auxilia were a touch out of focus and blurry and did not really convey the real look of them so here we go again - hopefully these are better.
  and now some details of the magos within the tech priest auxilia

 and then we get some close up shots of a couple of the servo automata - the multi-meltas do feel somewhat large on the models, I have to admit when I first read about the unit I assumed the servo automata would be more akin to 40k servitors but this is what forge world have released and they certainly have a gribbly techno beast feel to them, just a little smaller than I was expecting.

 The overhead shots are trying to capture the candy coat metallic red effect I am trying to create on my automata, hopefully it should be even more obvious and visually impactful on the larger constructs as well as the knight and the tanks.
And now as an added bonus here is my archmagos dominus, just using the normal magos dominus model for this character but it is such a nice model I have no problems promoting him in my army to lead my legio cybernetica cohort.

 Again he has the candy coat effect on his head piece and I think it has turned out really nice, it is good to add another character to the army just to give my poor archmagos some support.

Currently in progress are four myrmidon destructors, 1 bombard, 12 thallax and 3 vorax as well as making a start on the 40k tech priest dominus who is going to serve as an archmagos reductor for my army to combine with the thallax to give me a ordo reductor element to the force. I feel the Vorax though when deployed in the legio cybernetica force and thus getting +1 initiative have the potential to absolutely decimate enemies in close combat, something I have until now been relying on the tech thralls to achieve.

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