Tuesday 29 July 2014

Contemptor number two

Well here we go, the immediate inspiration from going along to warhammer world has shown itself in getting me to get off my arse and complete the second contemptor. Well I say complete but there is still a bit more work to do but i think it is definitely a serious step forward and going easily see play on the battlefield now.

I have also pretty much completed the flight stand for the fire raptor so all told a productive day yeasterday and now we just have to see how long I can keep this motivation up for and how much of the Night Lords gets completed off the back of it.

As it stands I now essentially have the following completed....
4 jetbikes without riders
5 cataphractii terminators
2 drop pods
2 contemptor mortis dreadnoughts
1 rhino

And I currently own and plan to get complete as soon as possible...
1 deathstorm drop pod (about half painted)
1 cataphractii armoured librarian (half painted)
1 fire raptor
20 assault marines
3 outrider bikers

Once all of that is done I will in theory only need 10 tactical marines to complete the 2000 point list but I will almost certainly be getting two units of terror squad marines to go in those drop pods so I can ensure I can get good use of them and I may well have to get a unit of destroyers with jump packs accompanied by a moritat as I think that could be a very potent addition to the list and would see good use in apocalypse games.

Once I have that long purchased and painted then I will probably be taking a break from the night lords as I am getting increasingly drawn towards a mechanicum force since they are so different to the other armies out there and they have a lot of really nice models, that army will be covered on here and can always be used as allies for the night lords or visa versa depending on what I want at the time - options are always good. I will cover of the development of the mechanicum on here along with any further expansion of the Night Lords since I am not sure they will ever really be a completed project, legion armies had the potential to be immense so I will never really feel that continued expansion is inappropriate.

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