Tuesday, 25 March 2014

New arrivals

So I have received delivery of a new batch of models from forge world and while the vast majority of them are still in lots of small pieces and not really suitable for viewing I do have this to show off.

Space Marine Jet bike next to a standard chaos space marine biker that I happened to have lying around from being used as a proxy. I included the normal biker not because it is in my army (it is not) but it is a point of comparison, really brings home how substantial the jet bikes are.
I think my jet bikes are going to be even more substantial when the standard bearer and friends are converted on to the riders, I have received 4 of these and I am aiming to work on their conversion and painting soon.
The main delay in getting these sorted is going to be completing the deathstorm and then working on the other models I received, the two Contemptor Mortis Dreadnoughts with twin Kheres pattern assault cannons.

These additions to the force (assuming I paint them up decently) will provide some very potent focal points for the army and will cut down the requirement for proxies a lot.

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