Monday, 9 May 2022

 Blog Recovered

Due to some slight issues I managed to lose access to this blog but I have now recovered so after a massive delay I am back.

8th edition has gone and we are now in the world of 9th which I personally believe is a massive improvement, the codices coming out this edition are full of character and while at times there have been significant issues with codex balance we have seen GW being alot more active in FAQ's and Errata's to try and keep balance and we have gotten to a position that baring a couple of outliers we actually have a really good meta and a fun suite of missions.

At the start of 8th edition I was working on the krieg but I quickly grew tempted by the death guard and collected a decent force of them and even managed to get one of them painted up. Also due to my groups preference for apoclaypse gaming I grabbed the daemons off my mate and had some success with a combination of death guard and nurgle daemons however I also displayed a disturbing ability to roll 5+ FNP's at a disconcertingly high rate which actually disrupted the balance of the game a bit and frustrated both me and my friends.

Following this I looked at the rest of the daemons and considered my options, khorne daemons were somewhat one dimensional since they lack the psychic phase and while tzeentch daemons have some potential and bring a shooting phase I was haunted by memories of the flying circus lists from 7th edition. I finally settled on the slaanesh daemons as something of a focus as they were somewhat unrepresented, this turned out to be something of a good option since during the painting of 90 daemonettes GW were kind enough to produce some absolutely gorgeous models in the new keeper of secrets, infernal enrapturess, syll'eske and the disturbingly intriguing fiends of slaanesh.

While I have not completed the painting of any daemon army I have a decent quantity of base infantry sorted out, sadly the currently only played competitive list seems to be the monster mash army comprising of only greater daemons which feels against the lore to me.

With 9th edition I was also drawn into the necrons, the new models that were released with the indomitus boxed set were awesome and with the impact of Covid lockdown I found myself painting a lot of them and in approximately one year I managed to hammer my way through a complete army of circa 14,000 points, it changes a fair amount as GW tweak the points for balance.

I also managed to paint some white scars for apocalypse gaming, I have managed to get something in the region of 5000 points of them painted and looking reasonable.

Now I am looking forward to the imminent chaos releases, I really want to make a large chaos force sorted out for apocalypse gaming since it is our preferred gaming format but until we get the codices it has been hard to get motivated to paint. The first significant release is going to be the chaos knights, I already own one which I painted up sometime ago which is one of my favourite models - I have ordered some of the new chaos knights with the codex and I am aiming to be hammering my way through them in the coming weeks with photos for here imminent.

With this model I also invested in a LED kit for its eyes which adds a certain something. I have received a couple more LED kits in advance of receiving my knight order and I am looking forward on being able to work on this new project.

We have a plan for going to warhammer world in August and my intent is going to be getting the complete chaos knight force sorted out, painted, installed with LED kits and good to go for this event and have a visually stunning force ready to go. Updates will be coming.